That's it!
Cheetos soap!
Smell cheesy and have an orange tint.
What's not to love?
on the strength that my recent post concerning cheetos went to 3 pages and was referenced in at least 3 other threads, i feel that the time has come to discuss another most important topic: shower soap.. this thread topic most definitely falls under the category of intellectual starvation topics, so you should be forewarned that terry will not approve.
heh...(just funnin' yah terry).
to the point: i here refer to a liquid soap meant to be applied to a wet shower poof and then scrubbed onto the skin.
That's it!
Cheetos soap!
Smell cheesy and have an orange tint.
What's not to love?
on the strength that my recent post concerning cheetos went to 3 pages and was referenced in at least 3 other threads, i feel that the time has come to discuss another most important topic: shower soap.. this thread topic most definitely falls under the category of intellectual starvation topics, so you should be forewarned that terry will not approve.
heh...(just funnin' yah terry).
to the point: i here refer to a liquid soap meant to be applied to a wet shower poof and then scrubbed onto the skin.
Lava is all you will ever need.
I was thinking that or Fast Orange. I appreciate all of the suggestions. I hadn't thought about making my own soap. That would be kinda fun. And for the Invader Zim quote, all I gotta say to that is "Doom! Doom! Doom!"
Master, Ride, and And Justice only. In that order.
on the strength that my recent post concerning cheetos went to 3 pages and was referenced in at least 3 other threads, i feel that the time has come to discuss another most important topic: shower soap.. this thread topic most definitely falls under the category of intellectual starvation topics, so you should be forewarned that terry will not approve.
heh...(just funnin' yah terry).
to the point: i here refer to a liquid soap meant to be applied to a wet shower poof and then scrubbed onto the skin.
On the strength that my recent post concerning Cheetos went to 3 pages and was referenced in at least 3 other threads, I feel that the time has come to discuss another most important topic: shower soap.
This thread topic most definitely falls under the category of “intellectual starvation topics”, so you should be forewarned that Terry will not approve. Heh...(Just funnin' yah Terry)
To the point: I here refer to a liquid soap meant to be applied to a wet “shower poof” and then scrubbed onto the skin. For those not in the know, a shower poof is what I call the mesh-like, plastic balls of about the size of a grapefruit. I will not consider bar soap. Oh no. This is 2007 and soap comes liquid now.
You see, I face a dilemma. On the one hand, my skin is sensitive and breaks out easily around chemicals and perfumes. I do not care for the “Axe” type of soaps or similar for men. To me, they make you smell as if you need a shower, not that you've just had one (despite commercial claims to the contrary that cheer leaders will attack you if you use the product). I mean, that already happens to me. I don't need more of it.
On the other hand, I despise beyond description the slimy, oozing feel left on my skin by shower soaps designed for the fairer half of our species. I do not wish to be “moisturized” or “replenished”. I'm a guy. I like my manly, rough skin that doubles as sand paper for the occasional work shop project, thank you very much.
So, what do I do?
Do I use the products for men and smell like a dirty jock strap after I've taken a shower?
Do I smother myself in the slimy, butter embrace that is women's soaps and that will cling to me like a second skin?
Do you have a third option for me?
What do you use?
Thank you for you time in responding to this oh so important subject.
recently i told you guys about my bipolar, well today i lost it big time.. having an arguement with megans mum and in the middle of it, she says 'dont you feel ashamed not working and living off the state' and that 'bipolar wasnt an excuse really'.. then a moment later cos i shot her down on that (since she doesnt know about bipolar) she says that if its so bad i should be f****** sectioned.
at that point i said to her if she spoke another word it was likely my fist would end up in her mouth (just talk but i felt like it) and then i was pushed to far, so i hit the door.
the door is solid, i would like to confirm to everyone that this door does not have a soft center, i hit it so damn hard, i had to vent somehow - my knuckles are swollen.. the arguement ended and its dealt with, she said megan was making up claims of her stepdad abusing her now he is dead, because she wants her mum to love him less wtf?.
Thanks for asking about me!
Things have been stressful at my new job, but it has gotten much better in the past few days, and I find that I look forward to going to work so that has to be a good thing.
On the downside, I did corrupt the BIOS on our main computer at home this morning. (stupid DFI overclocker board, yuck ) I found out that I can fix it if I really really want to, but it would suck to do it. I just ended up ordering a cheap replacement ASUS mother board so I can get something that isn't so pissy to work on.
So, my family had to put up with me while I was in a nasty mood all morning.
And what you did, that right there (the asking about me even though you're hurt part) is what I like about other bi-polar people. I find bi-polar people to be sensitive and caring (at least when we aren't in a rage)...great traits that really appeal to me. Not to say non-bi-polar people aren't ofcourse...
Thanks again.
I hope you feel better soon.
recently i told you guys about my bipolar, well today i lost it big time.. having an arguement with megans mum and in the middle of it, she says 'dont you feel ashamed not working and living off the state' and that 'bipolar wasnt an excuse really'.. then a moment later cos i shot her down on that (since she doesnt know about bipolar) she says that if its so bad i should be f****** sectioned.
at that point i said to her if she spoke another word it was likely my fist would end up in her mouth (just talk but i felt like it) and then i was pushed to far, so i hit the door.
the door is solid, i would like to confirm to everyone that this door does not have a soft center, i hit it so damn hard, i had to vent somehow - my knuckles are swollen.. the arguement ended and its dealt with, she said megan was making up claims of her stepdad abusing her now he is dead, because she wants her mum to love him less wtf?.
I've hit so many inanimate objects over the years in a bi-polar rage that I'm surprised I haven't broken my own hands.
First thing you should do if your hand is that bad and you can't get to a doc is to ice it down.
Put the ice in a zip lock bag and wrap that in a thin towel.
Don't let it sit on your skin for an extended periond or you'll get frost bite.
Take anti-inflamatory meds to get the swelling down.
Once you do that, you can figure out better how bad you're hurt.
I'll let you in on a little secret....and I've had lots of practice ...when you get that angry, and you need to let it out, you did good by hitting the door not the person. just hit it wrong...use the bottom of your balled-up fist (slamming/chopping motion), not the front where your fingers are (punching motion).
Just as stress relieving, and you break the thing you're slamming, not your fingers.
Understand that I'm not advocating getting in a rage and losing your temper, but if it happens, you can at least keep from hurting yourself that way.
i am white, my husband is black.
he is not baptized but goes to all the meetings and is in the school.
a few months ago i read the following info which i just copied from vinny's thread.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
I really don't have anything profound to say, but wish I did.
How about a flower?
nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--.
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.. mary shelley.
"You only buy a good tool once." - unknown
I have no idea who came up with that. For a long time I thought it was something my father told me, but I think that was just wishful thinking that he actually ever taught me anything, For all I know, I might have made it up. I have found it to be true though. Every single time I buy a piece of crap tool thinking it's great that I saved some money, it breaks and I have to end up buying what I should have bought in the first place.
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda. This one motivates me in a geeky sort of way.
I think these are funny:
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
"Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640k of ram!?" -- Bill Gates, 1981. |
had a scare this week ..... tues. i got a call at work that my son was in the emergency room .
he works at a car dealership as a detailer .
he was using a wheel cleaner solution when the bottle exploded in his hands splashing up into his left eye and over his stomach area and arms .
That stuff was at one time (and maybe still is,I dunno) a very common (though regarded as very powerful) part of some types of carpet cleaning agents. It was used to treat certain kinds of spots. In certification school, they told us to always be soooo very careful around this stuff. One instructor (suppossedly) knew of a guy who had the carpet spotting solution in a small belt pouch type bottle. The bottle sprung a leak, and because of the way it interacted with his flesh, the solution ate all the way through the flesh on his hip until it destroyed his hip joint - before he even knew what was happening.
I can't confirm the story, but I never used that type of spotting agent when I had my cleaning business because of that story.
i think little drummer boy is "down in the dumps" a little bit, and needs some cheering up.
as some of you know, he recently graduated from college (with a 4.0 gpa - i always have to brag on him about that!
) and started his job as systems administrator on august 1st.
You guys are all great!
I wish I had the energy right now to respond to each one individually, but I'm worn out like I rarely ever have been on a job before.
I really, really appreciate everyone's comments.
Today was really fun though. I got to have my first meeting with my boss to discuss everything that I've been doing and the things in our department as a whole, and it went really well.
He had been on vacation since before I started work, and just came back this week. The last sys admin left 6 months ago.'s been kinda weird. No one to transition me into the position except a few people who have other kinds of work they have to do and can't really spend any significant amount of time with me.
Being the sys admin for a whole college is kinda....stressful.
I discovered that I was bein "played" by one of the non-IT department heads....making a bunch of problems out to be things I did wrong when he knew damn well that the setup has been that way for years.
He now gets refered straight to the help desk ticket software...
I'm a nice guy, but he made the mistake of assuming that just because I'm big, cuddly, nice, and polite, that I'm also perpetually naive...Ofcourse I'm gonna figure out that he's trying to get special treatment and bypass all the ways things are suppossed to get done.
My boss didn't like that...he's protective of us and views his job as being the buffer between IT and everybody!
Ok, I better go...
Thanks again everybody!